With 2016 just quickly approaching (is Christmas really in less than 6 weeks?! YIKES!), have you begun considering how you want your year to look? What will you accomplish as an organization or individual? Let’s take a look at the best ways to get started:
- 1. [PLAYBACK] At the start of any type of goal setting, we tend to start off with exceptional intentions. What begins as an excellent, well-thought out plan, can unexpectedly get sidetracked. Life happens. Unforeseen changes at work, in your family, or those that are solely personal can derail any meaningful plan. What were your 2015 plans that may have taken a backseat as the challenges of the year unfolded? Take some time to think back and jot down some notes (within any platform that works for you: pen and pad or an electronic option). Don’t just capture those lofty goals. What were you excited about at this time last year? Perhaps you were unable to formally construct a plan for every little idea, but those hopes and wishes can prove fertile starting ground to begin 2016 goal setting.
- 2. [IN PROGRESS] Identify any projects or plans that are, let’s say, a work in progress. Reflect on those items that may have evolved over the year in a way that required a change in course. Perhaps you’ve been fortunate enough to stumble upon a new interest or project that could be implemented during the new year? Or maybe you’ve been working on something exciting, to discover during the process that there is opportunity for your something to grow and further develop. What projects can you make bigger and better in 2016?
- 3. [PURPOSE] This time next year, where do you want to be? During your playback of 2016, what do you want to have accomplished? Don’t limit this to formal goals. Are there skills that you could brush up on that would support your “goal-goals”? This can be as easy and low maintenance as cruising Google for some free or low cost tutorials and articles or as adventurous as taking a trip to a conference, new locale, or other faraway resource or signing up for a classroom-type course. Don’t forget about those goal-goals too, but also keep insight of those skills that can support your growth and development.
- 4. [PASSION] It may seem counterintuitive, but don’t think too hard about this one. You’re not uncovering your life’s mission here (not likely “effortlessly”, as the title promises). Instead, think about how you spent your time in 2015. What activities were you devoting yourself to every week? These may be activities that you don’t wish to bring into the New Year (how much more Netflix can I possibly binge?!). You may have picked up some bad habits or fun, new interests that you can adjust accordingly in the New Year.
- 5. [PEOPLE] Like #4, this isn’t about huge paradigm shifts in your social circle or water cooler usuals (though it could be, but then I couldn’t call this effortless). Who
is getting your time? You’ve likely heard this before (thanks motivational speaker, Jim Rohn!), “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. It’s not likely realistic to distance yourself from all negativity (shout out to anyone that has had a micro-managing boss), but you can certainly decide to spend more or less time with some of the people in your life. Perhaps you don’t have negativity to eliminate. Focus your efforts on surrounding yourself with those people who inspire and encourage you, while also nurturing your existing (positive!) relationships. Who, in your life, is where you want to be (in any sense of the word: professionally, personally, etc.)?
Use the above tips to begin pre-planning your personal and business goals. Heck, they’re appropriate tips for health and family goals as well; go crazy!
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